OK - so I totally flaked out on the "One Thing" concept over Thanksgiving. I figured I'd wait till the first of the month to get inspired.
Today's one thing isn't anything exciting at all. it's actually reactive a bit more than proactive. I ended up getting rejected for something I really wanted today. My one thing was to not sulk (too much), and get out of the office for a walk in the snow and wind. It was slightly refreshing. I have a feeling the part about not letting myself get down about my situation will be a recurring theme, until the right thing comes along.
Tonight, I'll actually sign up for an etsy seller account for Sock Monkey Creations and perhaps knit a scarf for the store!
Also, I posted this late because I didn't get online last night, and Blogger doesn't offer scheduled postings, as far as I know.
The tactics trap
You have a strategy. Perhaps you didn’t even choose it but you have one…
and it’s not working. The dominant question is, “what do I do now?” Which
tactic d...
5 hours ago
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