I came across a blog yesterday, My Thing A Day, and I loved it. A simple concept - do one thing a day that makes a big difference in your life. I'm not so sure about the "big" thing - but I do like the thought of one thing a day that's meaningful to ME. It could be as simple as applying for one job, or one I really need to do - mail a baby gift to the 5 month old twins I've known about for a year now.
And, it will make me blog. Or it should.
So I think I'll add a page to this blog and do my "one thing." Even if it's boring to my one reader, it should mean something to me!
The tactics trap
You have a strategy. Perhaps you didn’t even choose it but you have one…
and it’s not working. The dominant question is, “what do I do now?” Which
tactic d...
6 hours ago
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