So here we are, just under two weeks into 2010 and I haven't exactly fallen off the wagon, though I think I may have to work a little harder to keep up with everything. Focus!
Hooks and Needles
2. Flat Feet Socks - this project is adored by my beagle/shepherd mix, Veruca Salt. Three times she has destroyed this project - but only the needles (size 3 circs from Knit Picks). She manages to not damage the yarn and I can even save the stitches, but I may never get this set done!
3. Lion Brand Sock-Ease socks in Cotton Candy. Ugh - this pink was a lot more pink than I thought! It's a straight ribbed sock I started on the plane to Vegas back in December. It's knitting up quickly, but I need to get it off the needles, especially as I now need those 3's for the Flat Feet!
4. Various crochet facecloths. I want to make these and sell them on That said, I don't want to do anything with until my stash is depleted. These are a quick project if I am less than inspired on anything else.
5. I forgot to add that I am working on some mats for my dogs' bowls. These are felted with Lion Brand Fisherman wool, which I have to confess I bought on sale a few weeks ago. It's a project I have been wanting to undertake for months, and it's a mindless knit that has no deadline.
From Getting Back Into Shape to Running and Ultra
While preparing for the Surf City Half Marathon, I was able to get a free ticket to Austin to run the 3M half matathon Janaury 24th. It will be a quick trip to see my great friend Melissa and her family, run 13 miles, and see the wonderful city of Austin! I will also get in a long run, and be better prepared for the half marathon in Huntington Beach two weeks later.
A few months ago, Runners World Magazine had an article on the best Ultra events for beginners. There was one race that totally interested me, the Lean Horse in South Dakota. There is a 50 mile and a 50K option (and 100 miles, but that's not an option for me at all), and I am not sure which one I want to do yet, but that is my goal for 2010. My husband was looking at doing an Ironman event on the same day, but he has since changed his mind, and is looking at a local Half Ironman instead, which was mighty convenient. Maybe. Now I have to run a long, long way.
It's back to the baby blanket so I can move on to some other projects - I have a LOT more yarn in my stash than I ever knew. I have a feeling it's going to be afghan city around here!
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