I am a bit sorry to admit that we are now more than 60 days into the year, and I still have only run three times. I find it a little pathetic, really. There just has not been a lot of running joy coursing through my veins.
Not to say I am not active, or even fit. I think I am. I just have not been running. In fact, the last run, minus the stair climb, was back in January on the beach in southern California. Sigh.
The biggest consequence of this is that training for Fast Forward Sports starts in, oh, 10 days, and I am coaching! I am experiencing a lot of "do as I say, not as I do," remorse right now, and yet, I am not going running tonight. I am instead going to my super mean No Limits Circuit class. It gets me in great shape, and I don't have to deal with the wind storm outside. Excuse, probably. I'll have to start this running thing soon enough.
I did swim last night. I got in the pool with Bob for a standard workout - a little under a mile, probably. I was tired before I started, as well as during and after the workout, but it was totally worth it.
When I am swimming I don't think a lot about swimming - except when I have to count strokes and the like. In fact, I wrote my blog entry in the water. Too bad it stayed there, I think it was a really good one - much more interesting than this! Two lanes over from me there was a swimmer who made it look so easy. I have to keep telling myself that just because I grew up swimming does not mean that I can just dive in the pool and swim miles now. I'll give myself a little time for that. However, always being a little competetive, I kept thinking I could swim as well as he does. I can't - right now, but check back in a few weeks. I aspire to just dive in a few days a week and whip out 2000 meters.
Now it's off to the circuit class!
The tactics trap
You have a strategy. Perhaps you didn’t even choose it but you have one…
and it’s not working. The dominant question is, “what do I do now?” Which
tactic d...
5 hours ago
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