Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stash Realization

It's pretty easy to say that I like to buy yarn. I nearly always have a project in mind for the yarn that a buy, but my stash clearly gets ahead of my project list.

Last night I was sitting in my "knitting room," which is our guest bedroom. I like to go in there and read, and the dogs often come and sleep as well. Even my husband came up last night - and for the first time ever, the entire family relaxed in the least-used room in the house.

While Bob dozed off, I looked at my stash. When I first put it "on display," it was to help me use more of it. It looked like a mini-LYS with colors, and different yarn weights. Now it looks like I have a bit of an addiction. Yes, that big bag on the right is a whole lot of yarn I bought off Craig's List for $5 that I haven't even really looked at yet.
Wow. What a realization. I have got to do something about all of this. So, with a cute little pair of Noro socks for my mother on my needles, as well as a awesome lime green sweater for myself, I simply have to start some big needle/hook projects!
Over the summer, I plan on making simple projects, intermixed with my fun socks, sweaters and dishcloths. Some for charity, and some for housewarming/holiday gifts. I also plan to actually account for my stash on Ravelry (ugh), so I have a little better idea of what I am facing, much like one does when in debt. Acceptance is the first step to recovery, right?
So, after I pick up a bunch more yarn I got on CL ($30 for 6 CONES of Instant Fair Isle -what a steal!!!), I have to do something!