Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Little Inspiration

Daisaku Ikeda-Parque
Image via Wikipedia
A high school friend posted this on Facebook, and I felt I needed to pass it along.

Do not become subservient. Do not dwell on every tiny setback in the course of pursuing your chosen path. To do so would be foolish. Victory or defeat is determined by our entire lives. Moreover, our final years are the most crucial. What is enviable about the pretentious rich? What is great about conceited celebrities? What is admirable about political leaders who gained their positions of power by treating others with contempt? Dig right where you stand, for there lies a rich wellspring! - Daisaku Ikeda
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One Thing a Day

I came across a blog yesterday, My Thing A Day, and I loved it. A simple concept - do one thing a day that makes a big difference in your life. I'm not so sure about the "big" thing - but I do like the thought of one thing a day that's meaningful to ME.  It could be as simple as applying for one job, or one I really need to do - mail a baby gift to the 5 month old twins I've known about for a year now.

And, it will make me blog. Or it should.

So I think I'll add a page to this blog and do my "one thing." Even if it's boring to my one reader, it should mean something to me!